Humber College

Colleges & Universities

Humber's North Campus is home to more than 19,000 full-time students and has residences for 1,000 students. Centrally located with easy access to the downtown core, the North Campus is Humber's largest campus. The purpose of the Detailed Feasibility Study was to determine the preferred solution for district energy that will not only achieve the goals in the Integrated Energy Master Plan (IEMP), but provide a path for the College to meet provincial targets for an 80% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050, and ultimately zero carbon. Rathco ENG was a subconsultant to the lead proponent on this project providing local technical support for the broader international team.

Project Stats

1850 Tonnes

Modelled Annual GHG Reductions

1900000 SQFT

Of Floor Area

8019 MWh

Modelled Annual Energy Savings

Steam to Hot Water Conversion

One of the largest components of the study was to develop a strategy around the utilization and replacement of the existing steam district energy system already in operation on the campus. As much of the existing infrastructure was used in developing the final schematic design. Phasing strategies were also developed to ensure that campus buildings energy services were not interrupted during the future construction and commissioning of the new district energy system. The proposed district energy system will provide heating and cooling to all campus buildings' in addition to replacing the smaller steam system. The final design is to-be-determined as procurement of detailed design services is happening in a future stage of the project.

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